-------------------------- lets try a plain text page -------------------------- I am just a humble neet making some music occasionally and trying to learn some skills to better my life. What else to write? My hobbies include cycling and collecting and using pens. I play some video games, mostly apex legends at the moment, trying to cut down on the gaming a bit. Currently learning the Python programming language, and maybe some Javascript for this web development stuff. I have recently gotten into using the Linux operating system, specific distros I have tried so far are Lubuntu, Xubuntu, and Linux Lite. Exploring the free and open source software movement has been interesting. I am playing around with notetaking apps and various text editors (still not sure whether to go all in on VIM or EMACS). I'm just gonna build some webpages to learn some basic web dev. Gotta dive into the frameworks and stuff eventually but this Neocities site is a great tool to learn basic HTML and CSS it seems.